tisdag 17 april 2012

The spring is on its way =) LOVE IT

It was sunny yesterday so i thought that a run was  the thing for the day =)
Jogged 3,2klicks and did some sprinting to 10times of 20meter sprints, rest was the walk back 20meters.
Came home and did some nice Primal Charge outside in the sun.

Today was an Iron day =)

Started with some good mobility drills as i always do.
Then time for the bells to move.

Windmill 24kg 1*5/5  and 24kg High, 16kg Low 1*3/3
Press 32kg and Body weight Pull Ups 4Ladders  1*1-4 and 3*1-3
Over head walk  32kg 1/1 30meter and 36kg 1/1 15meter
Snatching 24kg  220  took my time  (like this 10/10, 10/10, 9/9, 9/9 and so on down to 1/1)

That was fun =)

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