tisdag 29 maj 2012

It`s Peacekeepers day today

International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers for all of us who been there and are there =).

Since i was in service i have had PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and are still living with it, but i have learn to have a life with it and i try to help others as mush as i can.

So take a moment to think about the man and women who are/have been in the service of PEACE.

25 May

I did my practice together with my clients today =)
4 rounds of 45sec work and 30sec rest
Swings 2h and snatch
Sandbag drags with push up
TRX split raise
Battling rope

Then some rest and water
3rounds of 45sec work and 30sec rest
... Sandbag Clean and squats
TRX Over head squat
TRX pistols
Battling rope

26 May
Practice of the day with my clients and me =)
Started with
2rounds of One leg dead lift and row with sandbag + Kettlebell See saw press 5/5
Then Swings and Squats Ladder from 10 SWings 1 Squat up to 1Swing 10Squats
The same ladder shape but Swings and push ups 10 to 1 and 1 to 10
T hen some relaxing

28 May
Just got a call from my doctor =(
My body is so f*cked up
My lungs are working in about 70% thats fun, not only do i have problems with my weight now its my lungs to.
I am happy that i got in to the RKC because i wonder how i would fell if i didnt.

My lungs havent been functional for years but i didnt know what i is and i still dont. But just hearing that they dont work more then 70% isn`t fun.
Thats why i never gets in to a good conditioning =( i have to struggle every RKC Snatch test and that SUCKS.

But what can i do? just keep on working/practicing and follow the direction of my Doctor and see if we can find out why and how to fix it =)

Todays practice was a short one, i was a bit of =)
See saw presses 24+24kg 5/5, 28+28kg 5/5, 32+32kg 2*4/4 and 28+28kg 5/5
Double kettlebell Clean 32+32kg 5*5
Swings 44kg 5* 5/5/5 and 2h 5*10 in 10minutes


A short and sweet practice.
Tactical Pull ups body weight 2*1, 8kg 1*1, 12kg 1*1, 16kg 1*1, 20kg 1*1, 24kg 2*1 and body weight 2*5
Snatch 24kg 100

5 kommentarer:

  1. Är det av astmatisk karaktär eller vad handlar det om?

    1. har gjort en spirometin test (eller vad det heter)och där blev det inga förbättringar och lungrönken och där såg man inget. Så läkaren gav mig cortison (pulmicort) för att se om det kan vara en infektion i lungorna och blir det inte bättre till efter sommaren så ska jag till lungspecialister.
      Så vi får se vad det är.
      Du kommer ihåg att jag hade Bricanyl på RKC 2009? men det hjälper inte.

    2. Jag kan inte ta in mer än 3-3,5 liter luft i lungerna? ska ha 5liter

  2. Ok, gjorde samma tester förra sommaren. Mig hjälper Bricanylen som tur är.

  3. thank you for your Service Joakim and your sacrifice. Don't worry about your lungs, your 70% is everybody else 110% :)) Sisu my friend, Sisu.
