onsdag 10 april 2013

Move well, fell well and be well =)

The sun is starting to show it`s face here in Sweden but its still cold =) but some day you can sit in the sun and relax.
I did it yesterday with a coffee and a smile.

I started my day today with a Primal Move class =) thats a nice start of the day. I do so every Wednesday i people just love it.

Then it was Day II week II on Block II 

Double Kettlebell Clean&Jerk

1,  32+32Kg
3,  28+28Kg
5, 24+24Kg

Three rounds with 5 minute rest between

Double  Kettlebell Snatch

4,  24+24Kg
6,  20+20Kg
8,  16+16Kg

And three round of this to =)

Here is Geoff Neuport showing the Double Kettlebell Snatch

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