måndag 25 juli 2011

Monday again =)

Went to my friend Tobbe in Helsingborg to do some CF training on Saturday.
It was a WOD of TRX, Sandbag, Swings and Battle rope work, i did it my way ( RKC style) good movement not just fast and ugly =) but it was fun.

Sunday was a relax day =)

Monday =)
Did my Bulletproof rolling, crawling, rocking and crossing movement first.

Then some CC practicing
CC 1:10 Wall push ups 3*50
1:10 Knee tucks 2*25

Clean and Jerk double 20kg
Work 1minute rest 1minute *5

And the practice this Monday is done =)

2 kommentarer:

  1. Joakim, you are also certified under IKFF. Do you think the ballistic GS-movements in snatch and jerking builds less strength than the grinds in RKC for example?

  2. Ballistic and Grinds are two different things.
    Me personally likes the Hardstyle better for training and i see GS as a sport.
    They are both awesome
