tisdag 6 september 2011

Presses, Swings and Titan Kettlebell clip

Yesterdays training when nice, still have some pain in my shoulder so i dont go all out.

Double presses 24kg
5sets of 3reps

Swings 28kg
I did 2H and 1H
20, 10/10/5/5, 25, 10/10/5/5, 25, 10/10, 25, 10/10, 20, 5/5 and 15
240 Swings

Here is a clip from some of my Hungarian friends at Titan Kettlebell Club Budapest

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hey Joakim,
    I'm a RKC, CK-FMS from Brazil and This video Rocks! Great job, my friend!!!

    Thiago Passos

  2. Hi Thiago =)
    Nice to see you pop in to my blog =)
    Where in Brazil do you live? i have freinds in Salvador Bahia, its my BJJ Team
