fredag 23 mars 2012

New fund fun: The sprinting

I have never liked running or any thing that takes a lot of time, i am more a heavy fast doer.
So when i read about sprinting from Keats and Franz Snideman i felt that this is something i can do =)
And that was the start for me, i am now sprinting two times a week, working on form.

Yesterday i was out and found a nice trail for sprinting so a measured up 60meters and did some sprinting on 80% trying to keep the form.
Sprinting 60meters walking back 10times-

Todays practice was hard since i am still tired from Wednesday`s practice with the 32kg`s
But it was just to keep going =)

TGU 28kg 2*1/1, 36kg 2*1/1 and 44kg 1/1 but only up to bridge then down again as i am doing it inside and i am not so happy dropping it on my hall floor =)

Presses 32kg 3*3/3, 36kg 1*1/1 and 1/1 push press with the 40kg
Snatch 24kg 220reps over a long time 

Ended with some AB wheel on my knees 5*5

                            Todays tools of the trade ;)

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