lördag 25 augusti 2012

Saturday in i am done for this week =)

After the practice this Monday i had to make an adjustment in my neck and T-spine, it has been bothering me for some time as it do a couple of time every year =)

So i did some adjustment on Tuesday and just did PMF on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Went back to iron again on Friday and i this little practice

First PMF as a warm up
Franz Sniderman SrRKC gave me an idea to do TGU like this
TGU 20kg 10*1/1 thats 20 TGU`s  and the neext time i will do it with a 24kg and do 24 TGU (12*1/1)

The it was swinging time and i did Mrs Tracy Reifkind RKC, BCBE
20kg bell and 300swings in BCBE style 

Saturdays practice was Easy Strength

PMF as warm up
Double Kettlebell squats 32+32kg 3*3
Double Kettlebell Press 28+28kg 5*2
Push Ups body weight 2+5
Ab Wheel 2*10
And Swings 32kg  4* 5/5/5/5/5  100

I have been watching my friend  Mr Charlie Weingroff`s Rehab=Training, Training=Rehab and i love it =)
I have a couple of days left to go through all 12+ hours of awesome learning =)

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