onsdag 6 mars 2013

To Swing or not to Swing ? Swing heavy ;)

Tuesdays practice before work.

Did my Primal Move as i always do to start my practice.

TGU 28Kg 4*1/1,  32Kg 1*1/1

Swings 2H 40Kg 10Minutes Did 110 today.

Double Kettlebell Cleans 28+28Kg 2*5 ,  32Kg1*5

Then it was work and i did PMF (that was my cool down)  for my soccer juniors. 

I did  Primal Move this morning, 1 hour of PM with my clients as a nice start of the day.

And i put my self up for the Bodyweight certification with Pavel Tsatsouline and Strong First this June =)))) 

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