fredag 5 april 2013

The sun is on its way and that put a smile on my face =)

At the age of 46 ( had my birthday last Monday )  i am still moving good, even better then i did at age 25 =)
Primal Move and Pavel`s Kettlebell teaching has made a big different in my life and i feel awesome, even better than when i was young.
Damned that i didn't know about it earlier.

Fridays practice, Second day on Block II

As always PM as a warm up.

 3 Rounds of Clean&Jerk with double bells in three different size`s 28Kg,  24Kg and 20Kg (all Double bells)

3 C&J  28+28Kg

5C&J  24+24Kg

8 C&J 20+20Kg

Rest 5 minutes

Then it was Snatch wit Double bells  24Kg, 20Kg and 16Kg

3 Snatch 24+24Kg

5 Snatch 20+20Kg

8 Snatch 16+16Kg

This to 3 rounds with 5minute rest between


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